In the morning, evading echt, he stands onefooted in a dark room. When the world awakes, he puts his foot down and steps in to the light. This, he does every day.
The dark room, it is draped with symbolism, a goldflame so long an ubiety that whatever it might have stood for is forgotten.
Until one day he reads some words. These words somehow speak to a hidden place, trampled under a footputdown.
In the morning, evading echt, he stands onefooted in a dark room. When the world awakes, he puts his foot down and steps in to the light. This, he does every day.
The dark room, it is draped with symbolism, a goldflame so long an ubiety that whatever it might have stood for is forgotten.
Until one day he reads some words. These words somehow speak to a hidden place, trampled under a footputdown.
In the morning, evading echt, he stands onefooted in a dark room.