how silly to speak of
the heavens opening up . . .
when i walk through this world
with each step my foot sinks deep
into the rug of God’s bedroom
the sweet smell of God
cooking up something new
brings laughter to my tongue
and the songs of
our little winged brothers and sisters
ushers in a great procession
of dance and revelry
how silly to speak of
the heavens opening up
(as if there were really a pearly gate to hold us back)
i think people like to talk like this
because if they started acting
like they were in God’s house
Love might get out of hand
So they shut the door to their hearts and minds
and pretend it is the door to the heavens.
i know, i know, it is silly!
but don’t fret
heaven is waiting for them
to come out and play
when they are ready to open up